Desktop application for streaming depth feeds to the web

Around Usdata visthree.jsp5.jsprocessing
Data visualizations of satellite data (2018 - 19)

Updating & Improving p5.Serialapplicationp5.jsphysical computing
Google Summer of Code 2019 with Processing Foundation

Homeostasisunitynode.jsp5.jsmobile interaction
Interactive experience. ITP Big Screens 2019, IAC Center, December 20, 2019

Dance performance with live visuals. The Flea Theater, May 16, 2019.

The Flow Roomkinectnode.jsthree.js
Web-based immersive experience. Funded by NYU Arts Council Visual Arts Initiative Award. Riese Lounge, Tisch School of the Arts, NYU. 19 - 21 November, 2018

Wall || Windowinstallationfabricationphysical computing
Kinectic sculpture. Finalist for The Christo and Jeanne-Claude Award, 2016.